Sunday, November 27, 2011

also, mattresses

     Dear Harriet Walter,

    You know what's awesome?

    Fred Astaire's spats are awesome.

    My ridiculous dog is awesome.

    Matt Smith's hair is awesome.

    Frosted brownies are awesome.

    Getting out of the shower the day after a blondey hair-dyeing (which turned out a little more bright yellow than expected), all ruffly-like, and having one's Krista burst out laughing and be like "Ruby, you look like a little chicken!" is awesome.

I have no regrets.

    And now I need a new word.

1 comment:

  1. Getting out of the shower the day after a blondey hair-dyeing (which turned out a little more bright yellow than expected), all ruffly-like, and having one's Krista burst out laughing and be like "Ruby, you look like a little chicken!" is awesome.
