Thursday, April 21, 2011

Performance: Onegin

    Dear Harriet Walter,

    About a week ago my sister and I watched the movie Onegin (1999), starring Ralph Fiennes and Liv Tyler (and, awesomely, Toby Stephens), solely because you were in it and it was on YouTube. (Lest I forget in future, it's pronounced "own-YAY-ghin". Except that looks really stupid.)

    As we all know, Onegin is the story - I think it might be based on a book - of a limp, dead-fish-resembling Ralph Fiennes who flops around in 19th century Russia, and who gets, like, money from some dead uncle or whatever, and who thereupon decides to leave his idle existence and give living in his dead uncle's estate in the country a try for no discernible reason. Ralph Fiennes then shocks and outrages the quiet country dwellers by befriending Toby Stephens, politely talking with Liv Tyler, having no chemistry with her and mentioning new ideas about land ownership to the well-dressed Harriet Walter, Liv Tyler's criminally adorable mother. People make vaguely bad decisions every so often and everyone ends up vaguely unhappy.

    (I will admit that I rather enjoyed the bit where Toby Stephens charges up to Ralph Fiennes at a party and is like OH MY GAWD YOU DANCED WITH MY GIRLFRIEND WE HAVE TO GO KILL EACH OTHER NOW. Which Ralph, with the tact and sensitivity of a true gentleman, replies to with something like "lol ur gf's a slut". Nice work, Ralph!)

    While it was mostly rather useless as a movie - my mother, who watched the second half with us, described it as "pretty but vapid", which I think is apt - I really really enjoyed the few bits of it that had you playing Madame Larina.

    I mean, the clothes! The hair!

Stop being so adorable.
Also, I'm pretty sure that's you on the left, dancing with the young girl.
And knocking over a table in your rush to comfort Liv Tyler.

    Okay, I hadn't even noticed what was going on with Liv Tyler in the table picture. Wowzers.

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