Sunday, April 29, 2012

finals finals finals

    Dear Harriet Walter,

    I could write about so many things right now and I don't have the time to write about any of it

    finals start on tuesday

    and I am really struggling to get my work done

    for example, I'm writing a final paper on poverty and world hunger for my philosophy class and I've just noticed that the lack of sleep is making me a little miss bitterpants mcsnarkosaurus:

            "One of Hardin’s points is what he calls the 'tragedy of the commons,' a theory that any lands or resources that are owned communally rather than privately will inevitably be ruined or exhausted by selfish members of the community using the resources (337-338). He writes of this as an anarchical system, using the world’s air and water as examples because they have been polluted by being used as 'commons' for the world, although he does not explain just how something like air could potentially be privatized."

    oh man what is wrong with me


  1. Courage dearest. You're almost there! One more lap, another quarter mile. You can do it! You'll have a nice soft bed here when you arrive, until then, keep your chin up. -LO

  2. I Llllllllllllikeit!

