Sunday, March 25, 2012

tomorrow there will be cupcakes

    Dear Harriet Walter,

    Things I've been finding fascinating lately:

  • Eugenics and social Darwinism
  • The principles and conditions of holy war in the Old Testament
  • Clothing styles for professors, male and female


    Things I've learned to enjoy in this semester:

  • Watching basketball games (in person)
  • Watching soccer games (in person)
  • Sourdough bread (with warm potato soup) 
  • Orange pens


 Awesome phrases Dr. Mac has made up history classes this past week:

  • "proto-pan-Arab nationalism" (when he was teaching us about the creation of the Suez Canal)
  • "volk ethos" (he was so excited about this one, he even wrote it on the board, and when class was over I took a picture of it on the board with my phone and he was like "NICE")
    Now here is an extremely silly picture taken by friend Shelli of me swing-dancing with a swanky older dude at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio in Pasadena, just to add color.


  1. I love your relationships with school and your profs, makes me laugh! I like your thoughts and comments.

  2. Believe me, I love my relationships with my profs too. Thanks for the lovely comment!

  3. Tripping the light fantastic at the Fred Astaire Dance Studio! You have truly arrived in Hollywood (or thereabouts). Is the studio designed like one of his movie sets, or is that just my imagination? JP
