Dear Harriet Walter,
So! I think I need to recap my week.
Monday morning and afternoon, Gabby and I set out with her mother and sister to drive back to college with the close of spring break. We stopped along the way and spent an hour or two at a mall, eating and shopping for various unnecessary delights. I got back to campus in the late afternoon and, plugging in my previously turned-off phone, found a text from a college staff member sent to both Roommate Courtney and me, asking us if we were ok with hosting a campus visitor who would be arriving that evening and who was a friend of Courtney's.
Then there was jell-o in fancy cups with whipped cream on top for dessert at dinner. That has never happened before.
Then our visitor, Carissa, arrived in the evening when I still had quite a bit of homework to do and no idea when Courtney would be back.
Then I called Courtney and found out she would be flying into the airport at 10pm, but that she had been unable to get a ride from the airport to campus. And she needed me to get her a ride at extremely short notice. That was definitely something of a struggle.
Very weird move-in day.
Tuesday I was back to classes, Professor Mine Enemy and Professor-Madame King Arthur had both gotten haircuts, there was a staff and faculty meeting in the morning which was Important and which left PME distracted in his teaching and P-MKA and Dr. Mac both a little preoccupied and dizzy and which no one would tell us about.
Wednesday afternoon was lovely. I went hiking with a couple of friends.
Visitor Carissa stayed with us from Monday night until Thursday morning. It's very unusual to have a visitor in the middle of the week; usually they stay a day or two on specifically set visit-weekends.
Today, Friday, the people in charge finally told us all what the Important Meeting on Tuesday was about. First in an email early in the morning, so I heard it from someone as I was walking to my History class, and then our dean talked about it more at chapel and there are announcements all over websites and Facebook. It's a major change in the future of my college, we know almost nothing, and we won't know more until Monday morning. This is somewhat frustrating. The future is uncertain in several ways right now.
The event was all everyone talked about all day. By the evening, after dinner, I was (I'll admit) getting a bit stressed out, so Upperclassman Laura and I were like "we should watch a movie" and somehow we ended up watching
Mary Poppins, which neither of us had ever seen before. That was extremely therapeutic. Escapism is the most wonderful thing sometimes.
Then it was like 10pm and I was like "I really don't feel up to schoolwork" but I didn't know what to do with myself so I was talking to fellow freshman Marissa and we ended up talking about musical instruments and we both could play instruments and then suddenly we were borrowing a violin from someone (even though I've barely played in the last four years) and Marissa was getting her guitar and sheet music out and we were playing Taylor Swift songs with me on violin and her singing and playing the guitar. I don't even listen to Taylor Swift.
Oh my lands, what a weird day.
Here's a camel I brought home from spring break. It was Jim's, and it was sitting on a shelf in his room and I was like "oh my gosh you have a camel it is so beautiful" and he was like "do you want it?" so now it's mine. |